Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How fate Lung Cancer Stage 4

Lung cancer is a disease that comes from the thin tissue of the lungs, which is a layer of cells in the airways. A person's risk of developing lung cancer is the one that is often associated with tobacco. Tobacco or cigarettes believed to be the cause of lung cancer by 80% worldwide.

This is because the cigarettes contain ingredients that are harmful to the body, which damage cells in the lungs and then into cancer. What is lung cancer stage 4?

Friday, February 20, 2015

Powerful Ways Against Cancer

Based on data from the WHO South-East Asia region, claimed cancer each year around 1.1 million people and reportedly there were 1.7 million new cancer cases. However, cancer prevention efforts can be done with a healthy lifestyle and treated if detected early.

Prevention and treatment of cancer is a cooperative effort of many parties. Start of policy rules, health programs by the government, private sector, communities up to the individual himself.

Warning for Smokers

SUFFERED most smokers, lung cancer. This is definitely not a pleasant diagnosis. In fact, a disease affecting one of the vital organs of man is felt more terrible than cancers in other organs.

Envision is incurable and will die in the near future, always haunt the patient.

According to the lung specialist, Emil Bachtiar Moerad, lung cancer can be cured, as long as it is treated early.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Simple Way Prevent Lung Cancer

As we all know the dangers of cancer that can be claimed deaths, including lung cancer. After all this cancer include a very large degree of occurrence in Indonesia. So, we really need at all to discuss ways to prevent lung cancer.

How can the prevention of lung cancer this? For people who are not suffering from lung cancer, prevent is better. By avoiding the causes of lung cancer, it means that we take precautionary action. Because we know that it is better to prevent than cure. So, this article is really very important for those who really want to avoid this cancer.

The Essential Oil is Claimed to be Potent Kill Lung Cancer!

There are many natural ingredients that are still unknown health benefits. One by one, the researchers found a great benefit behind natural ingredients, one of which is the essential oil of thyme. Researchers reveal that this essential oil was able to kill the cancer cells of the lungs, mouth, and ovaries.

Thyme essential oil contains 20-54 per cent thymol. Thymol derived from one class of substances called biocides that are known to kill harmful organisms. When thyme is used with other biocides such as carvacrol, these substances will have a great ability to kill microbes.

Three Types of Cancer Most Threatening Male

Reporting from the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF), approximately 14.1 million cancer cases occur in the world. In 2012, there were 7.4 million cancer cases occur in men, whereas in women as much as 6.7 million cases. In fact, they predict the total number of cases of cancer will continue to grow to 24 million cases in 2035.

Although cancer can affect anyone regardless of gender, but there are some types of cancer are more threatening men. Know what and how to prevent it.

5 Most Common Types of Cancer Suffered

Global concern over this disease is quite reasonable. Because cancer is a disease of high risk to lead to death.

Cancer usually strikes and spreads on a person's body caused by a virus. There are various types of cancer that attacks every human body, but most commonly affects are as follows: